Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
my feet. these babies could decidedly be the least groomed things i've seen. they're not necessarily ugly. just not well taken care of. i like to feel things under my feet. wait i take that back. maybe they're not as bad as the badasses from brooklyn. this is where i delve into some detail. once one of our japanese juijitsu sensei's was demonstrating a few kata moves and i couldn't stop staring at his feet. enough to not be attentive to what was being taught. amazing. there were calloused so bad that they were probably callouses on older callouses. gross, eh?
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
it's mah bloggiversary! 2 years seems like an awful long time. yet most of the supposed personal stuff doesn't necessarily mean i'm quick to share errrything. i can attempt a decent entry if i know what it is the masses [all both of you readers] want cleared up, if anything. what do you wanna talk about?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
more than yesterday
missed you more today
than can sum up to say
you feel far away
more now that you can't stay
while thinking about how to not outlive my family
missed you more today
than can sum up to say
you feel far away
more now that you can't stay
while thinking about how to not outlive my family
Sunday, September 25, 2005
happy birthday t baji!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
among other master plans one of them is to read to the elderly or the blind when i get the time and chance inshAllah
Friday, September 23, 2005
a friend of mine once said to me to never regret a single day because it's from Allah swt. it's not yours to regret. just be thankful you get that day. so alhumdulillah to all those days i thought were not so hot. alhumdulillah for jummah
Thursday, September 22, 2005
in my bathroom i've kept a super strong bug spray starting last week for cockroach control. i have this eerie feeling it also kills humans. worrisome really
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
[02:32] iahcchai: we need a meet up
[02:32] iahcchai: yeahhh
[02:32] iahcchai: summer 2007
[02:32] yasminay: let's do it
[02:32] yasminay: its far enough in advance that we can put a fat 'x' on our calendars for it
[02:32] yasminay: and whoever cancels, dies
[02:33] iahcchai: hahahha
[02:33] iahcchai: i dig that
[02:33] yasminay: me too
[02:33] iahcchai: i'm posting it on my blog as an invite
[02:32] iahcchai: yeahhh
[02:32] iahcchai: summer 2007
[02:32] yasminay: let's do it
[02:32] yasminay: its far enough in advance that we can put a fat 'x' on our calendars for it
[02:32] yasminay: and whoever cancels, dies
[02:33] iahcchai: hahahha
[02:33] iahcchai: i dig that
[02:33] yasminay: me too
[02:33] iahcchai: i'm posting it on my blog as an invite
thinking about food is making me want to write a bunch about it. like last year my cousin saif was over. that's a cool name by the way. saifuddin! anyway so he was eating something in a bowl. and i was hungry. and seeing that i have no problem about sharing with others their things. only problem i have is when i have to share. why should *i* have to share? so yeah i started eating all his food from the bowl. and bechara he was saying oh in our culture [he's half jordanian] we believe sharing food builds love. i just looked at him and mouthed whatever gimme the rest of that. so is that rude or is that love?
my cousins and i were sitting around eating at some shady joint. my cousin w was to say the least very hungry. my cousin a's cousin s commented on w's incessant eating. pehlay may heran tha. ab may pershan houn. [at first i was shocked, now i'm worried] it was a tad difficult to see when he crossed the line from being shocking to being a cause for everyone's concern
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
i like eating with people. i feel sorry for people who have to eat alone. i feel extra sorry for myself if i have to eat alone. in fact i hate it so much i just gulp down whatever it is that i needed for nutrition at the time or to avoid a headache and then deal with a slight stomach ache later for eating fast. in college it was totally weird walking around eating because of time constraints. freshman year it was in the mornings that i would have to eat alone so i would just take a coke and walk all the way down 3rd street before 8 in the am. sophomore year most of the time my sched was so tight that i had to grab a 50 cent bagel for lunch at jordan hall [blueberry bagels were like candy] and run back to the library to study. or junior year get some odd flavored popcorn and run upstairs to the imu lounge to loudly crunch on it people watching and studying if i couldn't find someone to lunch with. senior year i would just skip dinner if one of my friends weren't available. for me it's disturbing eating alone. i wonder why i'm so uncomfortable with it
my friend text messages me today "ur accent is ticklish m...hahaha" should i beat him or let it slide?
Monday, September 19, 2005
i have an odd little memory that is connected to nothing. we're at the elk pointe house and nana ji and nano are sitting out on the little deck near the kitchen having their afternoon chai. i come out to sit with them. and my nana ji simply states "oi tumaray to paoun goray hain" [oh you've got white feet] i look at my bare feet and twiddle my toes. das it. that's the memory related to nothing
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
this blog is coming to you straight from my cell phone. her name is sonya. she's good to me and for me. thanks to her i have internet access. sms. 2.0 megapixel camera. and lots more! ok. i'm done pimping her
Friday, September 16, 2005
it'll soon be the 15th of shaban. it's recommended to fast during that time. 2 days consecutively will get you more reward. as in 14th and 15th or 15th and 16th. i believe september 20th will be the 15th. the plan is to stack up on some nafl september 19th. i've heard different things about the importance of shaban. i'll look up the information soon. so fast and encourage others to as well. oh and help me find out more about the benefits and reasons behind fasting during midshaban
Thursday, September 15, 2005

my favorite cousin in the world [no offense all you second favorite cousins hhahaha] has left for cardiff, wales, to do his mba. ima miss him so much. smalls and i are currently looking for replacements for a 3rd party. only cool cousins or non cousins with ultimate coolness and available time wanted
ever since my sis hbiddy started posting pix i, pic monger, have to gank her idea. that's her and ism being cute. i have all the ones where they look cool trapped in my digi cam for which i can't seem to find the software to transfer them to fati lati. i need to find the right pirated stuff locally or free stuff off the internet. suggestions welcome
seeing the damage i've done to this blog i need someone with the aptitude of chimp or above to change the layout on this mother. can i get some help up in this piece? my tech help is ignoring me these days because they're too cool for this junx. geeks please apply
i've come to realize i am indeed too trusting and open and need to calm down with my inherited laid back everything goes be cool attitude and start being suspicious and on the defense about others' intentions and actions. unwelcome is thy name. tough cookies to practice mean faces with needed
dial up internet is not cool. when i get the time or inclination i will drop this insanity for a better connection. deals appreciated
i have only. yes. only. a 100 invites left on my gmail but i will be happy to inform others that i have made it to the 5% mark i'm currently using thanks to pics stored in there. i dig how outrageously cool gmail's gift of giving is. emails looked forward to
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
chocolate chex mix! have you guys heard of this? it's been a while since i've wanted to go back there. but to try this sounds like a good idea. and by a while it's probably since i last spoke to mummy
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

tiny and i are friends again i guess. by that i mean he's totally pretending that i didn't tell him that i don't like him anymore. i don't feel like we're friends. but i guess in a public setting you have to play along. unfortunately all of my friends at school are mostly boys that adore him because there's a smaller ex pat community that binds us at school. i don't like how clique that is. for those of you who're curious. here he is
Monday, September 12, 2005

speaking of adorable. almost every day raf is over. he comes into the study aka my bedroom. walking in carefully. taking his time on the two steps that lead into the room. comes up to me and then calls out hey billi. and then i say heyyy baby. sometimes he'll go right back out just to do it again [back up the steps, closing the door, opening the door, slowly taking the steps, running up to me and then calling out hey billi] i think raf needs to be put in baby handcuffs and driven off to juve. he ougta be arrested he's so amazingly charismatic. and given lessons in ugly. he can keep an audience of adults captive. mashAllah say. go ahead. marvel at 'em
Sunday, September 11, 2005
one of my cousins informed me that her baby was so chubby she had to move her neck rolls and clean every few days between them. and that once she found a dead bug between the fatty's rolls. now THAT my friends is cute with a tinge of ew to it
Saturday, September 10, 2005
yesterday i had a fight with tiny. we are no longer friends. i would rather be utterly alone than have idiots as friends. a preference to socialize with people you trust shouldn't sound this snobby
Friday, September 09, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
technical difficulties. i'm having some problems with haloscan. also known as the devil. can i get a better commenting system than this? where's my tech help?
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
read. as in red not reed. angels and demons by dan brown. yeah i know. finally joined the 21st century. well. it was aiiit. hahhaa. j slash k! ok the only reason i wrote that up is so i can use j slash k. which has been rightfully stolen from my audioblogger buddy no bake who told me all about skin horns. who also told me about the birth of j slash k. from our conversation...
He told us that he informed his mom of this: " 'J slash K' is the new thing, mom. It's what kids are saying now." And apparently they were watching a movie, and she made some silly remark, and in all sincerity turned to him and goes, "J slash K!"
side note: "He" is a friend of his
He told us that he informed his mom of this: " 'J slash K' is the new thing, mom. It's what kids are saying now." And apparently they were watching a movie, and she made some silly remark, and in all sincerity turned to him and goes, "J slash K!"
side note: "He" is a friend of his
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
all i ever wanna use on some people is mera tumara mazak hai? [you and i share jokes? ofcourse the literal translation doesn't do the condescending way of saying it justice. point being. i wanna tell them quit pestering me]
or as mr. marley would say: please don't you rock my boat. no. cause i don't want my boat to be rockin'
i keep it inside because i can't be that blunt without hurting someone's feelings. so i just hum it when i see someone get fresh. i guess i could change it up and try to make dua that i'm not irritated by it. but in all honesty there's some satisfaction i get from humming it like it is [friendlier immitation of telling it like it is]
or as mr. marley would say: please don't you rock my boat. no. cause i don't want my boat to be rockin'
i keep it inside because i can't be that blunt without hurting someone's feelings. so i just hum it when i see someone get fresh. i guess i could change it up and try to make dua that i'm not irritated by it. but in all honesty there's some satisfaction i get from humming it like it is [friendlier immitation of telling it like it is]
Thursday, September 01, 2005
earlier tonight at kc grill with my t khala, her family and some of their friends skimming through my cousin's phone pics and distracted i look out of the window and i see a woman on the floor and people gathering around. trying to assess the situation from where i was it was clear that she was having a seizure. that a kid about our age had pushed her on her side to not allow her to swallow her tongue and that they were just waiting it out. it seemed as if it was all under control. all of a sudden i notice one of those people is t khala and another is smalls. so as t khala waved to me i went out there. almost automatically with my steps towards the door to the exit i'm trying to figure out oh grand mal, petit mal or focal? i'm not sure. how long has it lasted? maybe that'll help me determine it. how will the condition be remedied? maybe her neurons will undergo fatigue. my pace quickens. how did it happen? some sort of rapid stimuli. now i'm not even thinking about what i've studied. just what i know from having a friend with such a predisposition. i'm there in seconds but i'm so doubtful. is she on medication? what kind? what if this isn't a seizure? i'm crouched with her and her son. soothing her. she asks for water. no i almost yelled. nothing to drink right now. she says she wants it on her face. so we cool her off. maybe she thought that would calm her. now i know that this hasn't happened before with her. she's talking coherently but she can't help her twitching. i have no idea why t khala splashed water on her feet. i'll have to ask her. we had requested the crowd to leave and were trying to give her privacy. with t khala, smalls and i as strangers there to help because she was a woman and her 2 sons and her husband feeling pretty strange around us women we waited in silence for things to smooth over. right then i realized what a high it was. when we got back to our tables uncle o [random fake uncle who's a family friend but shows up so much he might as well be family] was joking around and saying doctor fail to me. i protested but then i realized i didn't do anything for this. operation dinner out [get it?] but really. when do i start doing stuff??? there is so much i still don't know! and there is so much i doubt because i don't want to rush into anything