only 8 hours and 550 miles later i arrived safely alhumdulillah. the clash, violent femmes, some odd mix burned by hbiddy, beatles [3x. ok actually it was rubber soul so it could easily have been 5x. i just lost count after 3. alright i can't count over 3 is what i mean. is that what you wanted to hear? oh you got me] and cake covered most of the trip. there was this sketch place in tennessee where i got gas. it had those old fashioned pumps. kinda cool. in a scary gotta get out of there before i get brutally murdered and my remains are the local bbq way. ok that's not cool at all. in fact that's scary. just to clear it up. i liked my one liner posts better. hmmm. what else? oh i saw this sign that said nervous charlie's market, beer, restrooms and fireworks. now there is not a thing wrong with that sign. i just liked it. i got some time to reflect. and that was for myself alone. sort of nice. thanks to cybermom for a dinner of yummy shrimp biryani