Friday, November 26, 2004

earlier this afternoon i had to suffer through confirming why i shouldn't be driving with low sleep levels and even lower sugar levels. both essential for my maintenance and not necessarily in that order. ok as a driver here i get a lot of funny looks. as a speed demon i get plenty of disgruntled looks. as a girl i get by usually. well today i messed up as i tried to change lanes without looking. something a novice would do there but an expert would insist on here. i first got the blaring horn. then the scowl. then the drive side by side to make sure that i knew that he didn't like me as he stared me down. the little runt couldn't have been more than 14 behind his daddy's ride. that's what makes it sad and not creepy. i was being told off by a kid. the audacity! that made me cut him off and then slow down. i really have to get things under control. i used to be mellow. i used slow not speed at yellow. i did that on purpose. and you'll like it!


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