Wednesday, May 19, 2004

i wrote this for my grandparents a while back. like to hear it? here it go.
My Dearest Grandparents,
You have taken care of me and helped me so much with my new life in Pakistan that I know about and that I don't know about. Nana Ji and Nano, I wrote this for you to thank you for everything you have done for me.

They say life is a journey and not the destination
I am more than honored to have you with me at this station

Whether it's reminding me about milk in the mornings
Or making me aware of this world and leaving me with jokes and warnings

Or deterring me from saying too many ahhh's and ummm's
Or even that strike at my careless attitude and status of lazy um...

You have shared in my happiness and laughter
The scoldings and whatever comes after

Kept me in line with your unique views on life
Putting me thorugh ease with an equal balance of strife

I love you both very much I thought I would let you know
Not enough hugs or kisses will ever show

Your Loving Granddaughter

ok. there's an edited version of this out there somewhere but i can't find it now. i thought i would give it to them on their anniversary but most of it was about me. only the following lines were about them:

Hand in Hand both of you have conquered many a daunting tasks
Some small ones with sewing machines and others with masks

Here I thank Allah swt for gifting me with His mercy
By bringing you together, with many duas, happy anniversary!

as it would turn out i ended up not giving them the poem because i had gotten too busy. maybe before i leave here for summer break. or next anniversary? we'll see.


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