Saturday, May 15, 2004

here's another story for you nano fans out there. for every girl or newborn my nano makes these bags. they are made out of a hanger [varying sizes on the basis of need] and a piece of rectangular cardboard covered with contact paper and cloth. the cloth has ribbons and lace and whatever else that can give it that femme look. if you're a newborn your mom puts diapers in it and maybe towels and baby shampoo and baby powder and baby oil and everything else baby. if you're of the female persuasion then you can put your unmentionables under there. this is where you say under where? and then we all laugh. and then we all realize how immature i still am. and then we all frown. much like when nano found mine in the guestroom closet strategically hid behind nana ji's winter wears. she confronted me by asking me "you don't want this?" belligerently. and if you know nano you know the look that accompanies the frown. i courageously said no thanks i don't need it. and she says well you can put your things in there and just hang it in the bathroom. i know what i can do with it. now if i know anything it's this: everyone checks your cabinets while in the bathroom so what would keep them from checking out the contents of that bag with all the frills? ofcourse i don't voice this and just take the bag back. now it hangs in the bathroom for all to see. and those who can relate to this story...what have you done with your bags?


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