Saturday, May 08, 2004

today my nano asked me if i wanted some pasta. knowing full well i love that stuff. apparently it loves me right back and doesn't want to leave me. so i'm thinking ok i'll get chicken noodles. because if pasta isn't in a salad which means that it's doused in vats of mayo then it's in chicken noodle form. so after a little while she comes by and asks what i want it with. and ofcourse i say anything is fine. and she says what did you have it with while you were there. so i say with tomato sauce. so she says i'll make it for you like that. so i say thanks nano. she comes by a little later and asks again how i make the tomato sauce and i said i used to just add onions or green peppers or sprinkle some grated cheese on top of the sauce. so she says ok i'll make it for you like that. so i say thanks nano. she comes by a little later and says it's ready. so i come to the dinner table. i see the pasta. looks good. a little on the oily side but then what isn't oily 'round here? so i sit down and i ask her about the sauce. and she says it's in the kitchen. so i go with my plate of pasta to the kitchen for the sauce and i ask the cook and the server and both are like oh we put it on the table. so i go back and ask nano where the sauce is and she says oh it's right there. i ask where? she says beta it's right there. i see nothing where she's pointing except condiments. so i ask again nano i'm sorry i can't see it. she points directly to this little bowl filled with ketchup. i say nothing for a second because well it's ketchup. so she says you can put some of the chilli garlic sauce we have but i know you don't eat chillies so i thought i would just give you this. so i say thanks nano. she notices i don't put the ketchup on my pasta so she says beta don't you want to eat that with the tomato sauce and i ofcourse say oh this tastes great plain too. she asks me if i want some butter on it and i just kindly decline from the offer by shaking my head and saying no thank you with my greasy lips. i like living here. i like that i can laugh at myself.


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