Friday, April 02, 2004

let's talk soap status. i hate soap ends. i started using bar soap again a while back when i realized the liquid soap thing just wasn't cutting it for some reason. that's a lot of unnecessary background but as always you have that option to getoothojao get out ho jao: go ahead and get out. that's a made up word of the two worlds. ok back to disliking soap ends. i don't know anyone who likes them. or has mentioned liking them. not that i discuss these things with my family and friends to know how they feel about soap ends but there it is. the end of a soap. the end of an era. i'm not good at goodbyes so it never ends easy. depending on where it's placed in the shower it's either too soft to handle and can merge into the new soap entity or it's so tough there will be no merging and it must be used or wasted. my current condition is the latter. i had to scrape between my hands just to get a little bit of foam out of there. it wasn't easy but i didn't waste. that was the point. don't waste that soap end regardless of how much you detest it.


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