Monday, August 21, 2006

Isra & Mi‘raj
Muslims believe that Muhammad’s teachings began in 610 CE, after the astounding experience of being visited by the Angel Gabriel and told that he was to be a prophet. He developed a small following in Makkah. In 620 CE, he had another miraculous experience: he was transported from Makkah to Jerusalem on a winged steed, and then he ascended to the heavens from Jerusalem and had an audience with Allah (God). During the experience, he met the prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and others, whom he led in prayer. Islamic sources state that this experience took place within one night, and he returned to his place of sleep in Makkah before the dawn prayer. For Muslims, the event confirmed Muhammad’s role as God’s final messenger, and ushered in a new phase of his effort to spread monotheism


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