that's my guddi. so my cousin ezze took his little red dinky for show n tell when he was a wee lil boy. my khala had taught him exactly what to say but when he got up there he forgot his lines. and started blurting out whatever he could from memory. "this is my guddi. color red" hahhaha it's so adorable because now i see him and he's one of the most hardworking and focused kids i know but i'll randomly come up to him and say this is my guddi color red just to bug him. he takes it in stride. good kid
thanks buddy i was going to and i totally forgot. peace
awwwwwwww ezze is such a nice boy na mashallah, cuteeeee i cant seem to stop saying that
you're in lahore? that is one of my fave cities, i havn't been there in a while. don't forget to hit food street and badshahi masjid. :)
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