Monday, August 22, 2005

so i have this one aunty. i'm not going to specify if she's related to me by blood or marriage or a fake aunty as in a friend of the family who's my parents' age. i will on the other hand talk about a funny little habit of hers. she's all about cleaning. and that's fine and all. but she cleans everything with the same rag. like she'll wipe off the table with the same rag that she'll wipe up the spoons with. or i'll be in the middle of eating and she's picking up my plate to wipe under it. what i did under the plate i do not know. because i can't remember the last time i made a mess under the plate. maybe beside it. and shouldn't it be done after i'm eating? granted i'm a slow eater. but that doesn't mean you start cleaning around me. start dusting on me. or switch off the lights. close the door and leave the room. let me be at the table in the dark by myself. ok she doesn't do all that. but using the same cloth for the table and the utensils? there should be laws against it. and i wouldn't mind enforcing them


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