Saturday, June 05, 2004

nala wala. if you're a local to isb you know about jinnah market. there's a gol market there where kids do what i consider cruising. remember when the only fun thing to do was to go to the mall area and cruise when you first learned how to drive? i don't. mostly because i didn't. i know of it though. just not it. so there's a nala wala that roams the streets among the beggars and the people who sell combs and other hair accessories in that market. again, if you're a local you know what i'm talking about. because there is no reason not to buy a nala at any odd time. especially while cruising the place every friday or saturday night when it turns into check out central. kinda like a grocery store, yes. but only if you consider other kids meat. kids these days. re: too cool for school post. ok this nala wala is special though. he has a british accent. his sale's pitch goes a little something like this:
hey sister do you want to buy a [all done in a british accent mind you] nala [done in hard core punjabi]. sister please buy a nala . c'mon sister you could buy a nala for later. you're driving such a nice car phair ve ne layna? it's just too funny. i would be more than happy to re-enact it for those of you interested. one of my cousins told me that he saw the nala wala get into a landcruiser. i don't know if that's true but i wouldn't be surprised. i just like that this nala wala has a gimmick.


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