Thursday, May 27, 2004

check 1. check 2. mic check. hello? after checking up and sort of comparing my views to others and this is by all means a personal check. not really exchanging what my views are of other people's views because that is sure to get confused looks. anyway back to the fact that i'm the mack and i know that [much respect to whosoever can guess where that's from]. ok. i know i know. focus. so here it is: after a little reflection i think i'm suffering from a case of reverse snobbery. is that as bad as the original stuff? as a minority i'm going to have to say no. but i do realize things are getting out of hand and my views make me sound much like my sister. she thinks she's from the ghetto whereas we have been blessed with a better than the average yusaf [as in joseph. short for joe. nevermind] lifestyle. i'm just against abuse of the privileges one is endowed with. i know most people are but what i mean is that i've been voicing it lately which is no good because i am taking advantage of those same things much like the people i've come to hate. basically making me a hypocrite. i don't want to live my life like that. change takes time though. in due time. meanwhile, i'll say it again. i have become the monster i so detest.


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