Such a sweet video I can't even tell you. ;) A pre-welcome back to north amreeka celebratory post.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Previous Posts
- terms. taking a month off from family friends fia...
- fav line from the ringer. when the **** did we ge...
- baby monkey's back on the blogging scene
- feel like eating something crispy crunchy peanut b...
- now that i have a high speed connection at home i ...
- mini guyton sounds like a cute idea. but it wears...
- yea yea yea
- fati lati's officially retired. also i sang for s...
- they're a comin' they're a comin' mummy and my bab...
- *shoop* my energy is gone diddly gone
Allah is Great. Praise and glory be to you O Allah. Blessed be Your Name, exalted be Your Majesty and Glory. There is no God but You. I seek Allah's shelter from Satan, the condemned. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgement Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek, Show us the straight way, the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose(portion) is not wrath, And who go not astray. Glorified is my Lord, the Great. Allah Listens to him who praises Him Our Lord, praise be for you only Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted O my Lord forgive me and have Mercy on me All our oral, physical and monetary ways of worship are only for Allah. Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be on you, O Prophet, May peace be upon us and on the devout slaves of Allah. I testify that there is no God but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. O God send your mercy on Muhammad and his posterity as you sent Your mercy on Abraham and his posterity. You are the Most Praised, The Most Glorious. O God, send your Blessings on Muhammad and his posterity as you have blessed Abraham and his posterity. You are the Most praised, The Most Glorious. Our Lord, grant us the good of this world and that of the Hereafter and save us from the torture of hell. Peace and mercy of Allah be on you
I love the second part to that commercial... when his mom calls him and he just takes his ball HAHAHHAAHA
So yeah Zidane and Henry toady.... can you believe they beat Evil Ronaldo?
Was toady UPSET day or WHAT!
chantaaale, i loved that part too!! and when robben was fouled and the kid shrugs and goes, soorrrryy! hahha. I was gonna post both for chai but I didn't wanna bombard her blog with videos.
Yesterday wasn't upsetting at ALLLLLLL. Zidane is my #1 man hahaha and I knew brazil wasn't gonna win cuz they weren't playing right all tournament. Did you see the game against Ghana? They had several opportunites for goal but tried taking it themselves so they just lacked the teamwork that yes, the french had, all because of.. who? my buddy zinedine of course.
But did you see how before and after he greeted everyone quite diplomatically and hugged ronaldo? And during the game how he was always getting control of the ball and sending it forward for his teammates? A leader I tell you chantale, a leader!
hahhahaha ok i'll stop now. I feel sorry for brazil though. And didn't you love how at the beginning it seemed like they didn't really want to competitively play one another, it's like they were all buddies. It seemed like they were all holding back. Unlike the dirty Portuguese! PSSH!!!
ok ok I'll really stop now. soorrryyyy *said like the kid*
Shaheen I was quite impressed with beckham's skillz as capitan. he was all over the place comforting the team!!!!
I was pro Portugal tho ... and I was pro France cause Zeinedine IS THE MAN and Ronaldo is EVIL!
hee! thanks babe. and thanks for calling. i was how do you say surprised and confused. so road trip summer 2006. plan it
chantale!! hahaha Zinedine is definitely the man but how is Ronaldo evil? HE'S GARREATTT!! mashaAllah mashaAllah. That boy's got SKILLZ even while overweight. I figure though... how can anyone that runs that much be overweight anyways? Maybe it's like a medical condition, cuz even with an off-season that guy should be TIP TOP by now. Anyways, did you see his fake trip right at the end of the last game to somehow get a goal in the last minute? That was hilarious. They showed a replay of it and there was no contact whatesoever. hahahah i found that funny, and despite not playing as well as before, he still has much respect from me. *wipes tear*
p.s. GUESS WHO HAS A ZIDANE JERSEY TO WEAR TOMORROW!! boooo evil portugal! If they pull any o' their indecent plays i'm gonna.. i'm gonna.. maybe actually do some WORK at work.
chai - hmmmmmmmmmm i'm thinking! you give such small windows of travel opportunity :/ I looked at a map for the closest place for me with respect to where you're going and it still comes up as chi-town. Shall we?
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