Sunday, February 06, 2005

saw jal play and THAT was fun. wow. those kc girls get wild. we also saw ali zafar play. kids from the crowd started throwing bottles at his head for him to quit playing. that was awesome. he had to actually dodge a bottle and then got hit by one. he finished up the song and probably went in the back and cried. pansy. then one of the teachers told all the girls to calm themselves and that he was whining that he wouldn't play unless the girls quit picking on him. ok so she didn't say exactly those words. i embelish. then he came back to play again. and it was established that whenever we want to say "oh that's just gay" but avoid that phrase in a disapproving public we can use oh what's up with that are you an ali zafar fan or that's very ali zafar like or damnit quit being ali zafar or i think he's an ali zafar fan. i got carried away. all in all it was fun good times for the girls of the fam


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